Neighborhood Conversation Hosted by City Councilor JT Scott & UNSC 11/15/23

On Wednesday, November 15th, we welcomed approximately 160 members of the Somerville community to SOMERNOVA for a follow up neighborhood conversation about the future of Somernova hosted by Union Square Neighborhood Council. The SOMERNOVA team a presentation (see below) to provide further context about the proposed campus expansion and answer specific questions that members of the Somerville community had posed at previous meetings.

At the conclusion of the presentation, those in attendance in-person and virtually had the opportunity to ask additional questions regarding the development. We had a robust conversation open to all in which we discussed specific needs of the community and how the SOMERNOVA campus expansion can best create a more equitable future for our youth, for our planet and for Somerville. These conversations are what have shaped and continue to co-create the vision and design of Somernova’s campus expansion, which is driven by a youth-led community center and our eclectic tenant mix who share in their commitment to making the world a better place as they work to solve the world’s most important challenges. For those not able to attend the meeting in person, a recording of the Zoom can be found below.

We are grateful for everyone's time and input and invite everyone interested to continue sharing their ideas and comments with us. Please stay in touch and write to us at Information regarding future community meetings will be posted on our website


Somernova Files Climate and Equity Innovation Overlay District 


Somernova Neighborhood Meeting Hosted by City Councilor JT Scott 9/25/23