Community Master Plan

Dear Somerville,

Over the past 5 years, we’ve actively listened to and learned from the Somerville community while observing development projects in the city. We’ve come to understand that simply constructing buildings and creating empty spaces for community use is not sufficient.

Over the next 10 years, we are embarking on an ambitious expansion plan for the Somernova campus, encompassing an additional 1.6 million square feet of industrial research and development (R&D) as well as creative office space.

In harnessing the momentum of climate innovation, our vision extends beyond the expansion of physical infrastructure. We are committed to establishing a youth-driven, multi-generational Community Center that will be owned and programmed by you, the esteemed members of our community. As part of our commitment, Somernova will provide ongoing support to ensure the success of this Community Center. Our aspiration is for this facility to serve as a pioneering model, inspiring the creation of similar centers throughout the city.

As part of our comprehensive approach, we are dedicated to establishing the Somernova Social Impact Fund. This fund will leverage the growing climate economy to directly benefit the most vulnerable families and residents of Somerville. Collaborating closely with community experts and leaders, our objective is to generate measurable social and environmental impact, while simultaneously fostering community wealth.

The community benefits we offer have been carefully crafted through extensive engagement with the Somerville community. Thousands of conversations with residents, youth, local business owners, non-profit leaders, elected officials, and members of the innovation community have informed our approach. Together, we are committed to co-designing a future that is more equitable for our youth, our planet, and the entire Somerville community. I express my gratitude to all who have actively engaged with us, contributing to the co-creation of this shared vision for the future of Somernova via a Climate and Equity overlay.

On behalf of Rafi Properties and the Somernova team, thank you for your time, for sharing your knowledge, experiences, and ideas.


Collin Yip Managing Partner, Rafi

Learn more about our Campus Vision